Arvigo Techniques™ of Maya Abdominal Therapy

 "The uterus is a woman's center. If her uterus is not in proper position and good health, nothing in her life will be right. She will be as out of balance as her uterus." - Don Elijio Panti

Maya abdominal therapy is a lineage of ancient techniques for women of all ages as they…

  • anticipate a young maiden’s “first moon” (menses)

  • experience menstrual, ovulation, abdominal and/or pelvic pain

  • optimize wellness before, during and after pregnancy

  • recover from abdominal surgery including Cesarean birth and hysterectomy

  • find peace in and after menopause

We offer the Arvigo Techniques™ of Maya Abdominal Therapy as taught by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whose elders were Don Elijio Panti, a Belizean Mayan shaman (h'men); Miss Hortence Robinson, a Belizean midwife, healer & herbalist; and Miss Beatrice Waight, a Belizean traditional healer. You can read more about Rosita’s story here.

This relaxing and gentle external massage to your abdomen and back normalizes blood, lymph, nerve, and energy flow through the core of the body while inviting the “tipped” or prolapsing uterus back to its normal, happier midline position in the pelvis. It is an ideal treatment for painful, irregular menses or ovulation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), low back and pelvic pain, headaches and dizziness with menses, chronic urinary tract infections, chronic miscarriage, difficult pregnancy, infertility, painful intercourse, endometriosis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, hysterectomy and difficult peri-menopause and menopause. Falls, carrying heavy burdens, car accidents and difficult childbirth can all contribute to a tipped or prolapsed uterus.

Scheduling Information

It is ideal to schedule appointments outside of menstruation or in the few days beforehand, before ovulation if there is a possibility of conception, or after the 20th week of pregnancy to experience a full treatment. A session can always be modified in these scenarios:

  • If you are hoping for a pregnancy in the near future, it is ideal to schedule at least 3 menstrual cycles before trying to conceive to allow for maximum benefit of the work, though we will work with you where you are at.

  • Maya abdominal therapy is not recommended if you have  abdominal pain not yet evaluated by your primary health care provider. If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), sessions will be modified to avoid massaging over your uterus.

  • The first appointment varies in length depending on how much time is needed for intake and education, though all sessions include self care massage instruction to continue at home. See the chart below.

  • A 60-minute follow up appointment is recommended in the following month, with monthly sessions for the 2 following months. After that time, we will reassess. 

  • If you’d like a session while you’re pregnant but before the 20th week, we can offer this with modifications.

What session length should I book?

  • I’m looking to conceive —> book a 2.5 hour session

  • I’m pregnant (after the 20th week) or postpartum (after 6 weeks with a vaginal birth and 8-13 weeks with a cesarean birth) —> book a 90 minutes session

  • I’m not in the childbearing continuum —> book a 2 hour session