Herbalism + Flower Essences

Would you like some space to process the transformation your body has been through over the last nine months and the time since the birth of your child? So much happens, sometimes on a daily basis during the "fourth trimester" and there is so much we can do to nourish the body and to speed healing during the postpartum phase. In sitting together virtually or in-person for a home visit (whatever feels more comfortable for you) we can discuss how your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time has felt and find some possibilities to feel even better faster. So much happens physically, emotionally, and spiritually and connecting to plants is a profound and time-honored way of supporting, cherishing and celebrating the transformation you have been through. We can discuss a number of ways that you can make small changes that help you to have a strong and vital body, mind, and spirit to raise your little one with greater ease and resilience.


Herbalism Packages + Rates

3 Session Package - $375

Individual Sessions - $125 / hour

Please note the cost of herbs is not included.

Flower Essences

Flowers carry vibrational messages that can help us come into greater alignment with our inner truth. These remedies are so beneficial, sustainable and supportive and one of my favorite ways to support people! This can be powerful for mood support during times of transition or postpartum. We’ll chat about what you would like support with and we can create a custom formula and it will be mailed it to you!

Flower Essences Rates

Individual Sessions - $125 / hour, which includes a 2 oz personalized formula, plus the cost of shipping (available within the US only).

Fees and Policies

Admin Fee: Please note that a 4% service fee is added to all services at the time of purchase.

Travel Fee: We serve clients outside of the Boulder and North Denver metro area on a case by case basis. Text or call us at 720-828-2802 to learn more.

Cancellation Policy: If you cancel your appointment within 48 hours of the start time, you’ll be charged 50% of the appointment fee. Exceptions will be honored for birth, illness, weather, dangerous driving conditions or emergency. No-shows will be charged 100% of the appointment fee. If you’re scheduling a massage past 37 weeks, please add us to your labor call list so that we can pass along the time to someone else who needs it. Thanks so much for honoring our policy!